Sunday, 4 November 2007

I spent some time looking for some Bardi Johannsson material, anything really. The local record shops all said they'd had some albums but could get hold of no new copies. Happily I found this oddity - a mockumentary on him and his life, featuring himself. It's hilarious, watching all the three parts here is time well spent. Apart from a couple of things that were just silly, most is well balanced, amazing that they can keep a straight face.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I came across his music when listening to Lady & Bird, a project between him and Keren Ann. Her music was easily found so I could sample it online, not so his.

Lady & Bird collaboration
And another
And their great cover of Suicide is Painless

Bardi with Bang Gang
And one more

Keren Ann song
And a second one
And this soft one, one of the five or so of hers I like the best.

Look them up if they're new to you.

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